Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What's a mencil?

Hannah is learning about rhyming. Not surprising, since she wants to spend most of the day reading books. And, for mommy and daddy's sanity, we frequent the library to keep the selection ever changing.

For several days last week, every time she addressed anyone, it sounded a little something like this, "What are you doing you silly, billy, chilly, willy, nilly daddy?" But as her little vocabulary is ever-expanding, she thinks that every time you change the first letter of a word it makes another real word with an actual meaning. So along with her new found love of rhyming is a constant barrage of questions, mostly inspired by the everyday objects she sees around her-- like when she ran into the kitchen and we had this exchange:

"Mom, what's a mencil?"
"Mencil isn't a word in English."
"Oh. What's a lireplace?"
"That's not a real word either."

She runs back into the living room. Not more than one minute later, she is back. "What's a lippopotamus?"

Given the enormity of the English language, and the persistence of my particular two year old, I have a feeling this may go on for a while.

The tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth

Not only is Noah officially a serious walker, (and gaining speed by the hour), but he has been working on breaking his two front top teeth for at least a month now. He's still a pretty happy little trooper considering the pain...not to mention his (and my) sleeping patterns being interrupted and his eating and nursing being affected. But finally at the end of last week, his left tooth broke through, and his right is pushing so hard against the gum it's a perfect white line stretched so tight it could break any time.

Please let today be the day! I really like the thought of sleeping through the night again, at least until the next teeth start coming...

Potty Training Excitement!

Not only have we gone potty while out in public, but Hannah has also held it in the car until we got home, and has even gone a few times at home without having to get completely naked.
Ahhhhhhhhh, success!

Picking Blueberries at Aunt Linda's

As much as Hannah has enjoyed picking the strawberries and peas from our own little garden, I knew she would enjoy picking (and munching) the best blueberries around. And I most certainly wouldn't mind taking home a few gallons for the rest of us, either.

Honestly, she did better with the picking part than I thought. I anticipated much more munching than picking, and a possible subsequent tummy ache, but to my surprise she only ate about one blueberry to every three or so that went in her bucket. Much more self control than I think I would have had at her age!

Who knew, though, that the real highlight would be climbing and playing under the kitchen stools? Not nearly as tasty, but just as exciting, I guess...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Big Happenings

There are some big things occurring at the Peterson house all at once.

1) Hannah is in the midst of potty training and doing a mighty fine job-- only a few accidents in her big girl undies the last few days. Unfortunately, she is also convinced that she must strip completely from the waist down in order to sit on the potty chair and vehemently refuses guidance about how one can, in fact, use the potty while leaving their pants and shoes and socks on. We'll see how this shakes out when we go camping in a few weeks and the only "facility" is a pit toilet/outhouse.

2) Not only is Noah ten months old on Thursday, but he is on the verge of really walking. Just last night he took three consecutive unassisted steps while he and I were playing after dinner. Then, he took three more for his daddy while I was getting Hannah ready for bed. He should be running by the end of the week.

3) Last, but certainly not least, Hayes turns the big three-oh on Friday. That's right, 30 years old at last. I couldn't even begin to do him justice trying to explain what an amazing husband, father and human being he is. So, I won't really try. Those of you who are fortunate enough to know him well, know exactly what I mean. And those who don't know him well, should get to know him better. You may never find a truer friend, a more kind-hearted soul or a more consistent character. So, happy birthday Hayes. I admire you more and more every day.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Fourth of July

One of the really cool things about living in our little city of Maywood Park is the 4th of July. It starts with a parade consisting of kids all decked out in their wagons and on their bikes, dogs with fancy collars, senior citizen veterans riding in convertibles, fire engines and police cruisers blaring Sousa marches.

This year, while Hannah cruised in the little car uncle Mike gave her, cousin Reid came and joined the fun in the Radio Flyer. Noah was napping through most of it, but woke up just in time to catch the end as a bystander.

Then, in the afternoon there is the neighborhood barbecue, with games and raffles. Hannah enjoyed finding and collecting pennies in a paper cup, and Hayes and I are the reigning water balloon toss champs. (Woot-woot!)

Finally, the evening is ended with a fireworks display right outside our house. I guess the year before we bought our house, the fireworks set the front lawn on fire. Since we've been here, though, there have been no mishaps, although we keep the hose handy just in case.

All in all, it's a fun day to live in Maywood Park. It's nice to live in a place that feels a lot like a small town-- right in the middle of Portland.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

family photos?

As I was looking for a family photo to post in our profile, I realized just how few family photos we actually have. Then I looked for a photo of both of our children together-- still very few to choose from. Since Hannah is finally getting better about sitting still and being close to Noah, I am hopeful that maybe this summer we can actually capture both of them being cute in the same place at the same time. And, maybe Hannah will learn not to look away from the camera or close her eyes just as the photo is being snapped. And maybe they will both be smiling. And maybe mommy and daddy could get in on one too.

It's good to have dreams, isn't it?