People are often surprised when they hear Noah speak. They ask how old he is and I inform them that he's not even two yet--just 21 months, actually. Even our pediatrician was a little blown away last week at Noah's appointment when we he asked about his language development. A lot of kids Noah's age like to jabber, have many single words that they use to indicate objects or feelings, and are often beginning to string these single words into brief phrases and thoughts.
Noah, on the other hand, has been putting together complete thoughts and sentences for months now, and many days it just makes me smile to see his mind at work as he carries on full conversations. Here is an actual snippet from today. After he woke up from nap, we were playing with an empty diaper box, waiting for Hannah to awaken too.
Noah: I need my wallet.
Me: Where is it?
Noah: It's in my bedroom.
Me: Okay. Why don't you go get it?
Noah: Can you open that door? (As he pulls unsuccessfully at the knob of the hallway door.)
Me: Sure.
Noah: Thank you.
(He returns from his bedroom with a leather cell phone cover that he pretends is both a wallet and a phone.)
Noah: I'm playing with my phone wallet. I'm calling Grandpa Lou.
Me: That's a good idea.
Noah: It's ringing. My phone is ringing. (He looks inside his "wallet" then looks directly at me) I need some money in my wallet. Where is some money?
Seriously. My not-even-two-year-old asked me for a little cash already. I guess he's advanced on many levels.
So it begins...
1 comment:
Aww, Noah. What a gem...
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