There are some big things occurring at the Peterson house all at once.
1) Hannah is in the midst of potty training and doing a mighty fine job-- only a few accidents in her big girl undies the last few days. Unfortunately, she is also convinced that she must strip completely from the waist down in order to sit on the potty chair and vehemently refuses guidance about how one can, in fact, use the potty while leaving their pants and shoes and socks on. We'll see how this shakes out when we go camping in a few weeks and the only "facility" is a pit toilet/outhouse.
2) Not only is Noah ten months old on Thursday, but he is on the verge of really walking. Just last night he took three consecutive unassisted steps while he and I were playing after dinner. Then, he took three more for his daddy while I was getting Hannah ready for bed. He should be running by the end of the week.
3) Last, but certainly not least, Hayes turns the big three-oh on Friday. That's right, 30 years old at last. I couldn't even begin to do him justice trying to explain what an amazing husband, father and human being he is. So, I won't really try. Those of you who are fortunate enough to know him well, know exactly what I mean. And those who don't know him well, should get to know him better. You may never find a truer friend, a more kind-hearted soul or a more consistent character. So, happy birthday Hayes. I admire you more and more every day.
Leave it to the Junior Language Arts teacher to express her family's progress and abilities with such graceful words :)
What fun you are having raising your little ones!! Can't wait to hear how the camping potty training goes! :) What a great idea creating this blog so all of us who don't get to see you as often as we would like can still keep up with the Peterson's!! Thanks for sharing and including me!! Oh, and happy late 30th birthday Hayes. Sorry I missed it. :(
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